Many of you should have used old methods trying to hack a Symbian phone but mostly now result comes in the form of failure. But now I am going to share a genuine scheme to hack any Symbian phone by just following some simple steps. Well, What you get from a hacked phone?
> It can be customized as required. Since system files are accessible always.
> Any application with an expired certificate can be installed. Because a hacked Symbian won’t ask for certificate.
1-Download all the software which is listed below to hack your symbian deivice
NortonSymbianHack.sisx (692kb)
RomPatcherPlus_3.1.sisx (197kb)
x-plore_1.55.sisx (508kb) (303kb)
2- After downloading install Norton Symbian Hack
3. Launch it.
4. Go Options Anti-Virus Quarantine list.
5. Go Options Restore. Accept prompt. 2- After downloading install Norton Symbian Hack
3. Launch it.
6. Exit application. Delete Norton from Application Manager (Symantec Symbian Hack). Also delete C:shared folder.
7. Install RomPatcherPlus_3.1.sisx from
8. Launch and apply patches: - Open4all for full access to file system. - Installserver for installing any unsigned applications.
(If Installserver has red cross, follow steps 9 to 16.) (If checked, reboot now your phone.) Note: Set patches to auto if needed. (Options Add to auto)
9. Install X-Plore.
10. Open it.
11. Press (Menu Tools Configuration).
12. Check all (Show Hidden Files, etc.).
13. Open
14. Choose what Symbian OS you have. (List below)
15. Copy installserver.exe from the folder of your OS to C:/sys/bin. (No need to apply patch on RomPatcher.)
16. Reboot phone. Phone is now hacked. DOWNLOAD-Norton-Symbian-Hack DOWNLOAD-Rom-Patcher-Plus-v31 DOWNLOAD-lcg-x-plore Installserver List: installserver-os91: For E60, E61i, E62, E65, E70, N71, N73, N75, N77, N80, N91, N91, N92. (Symbian 9.1) DOWNLOAD-installserver-os91 installserver-os92: For E51, E90, N76, N81, N81 8GB, N82, N93, N93i, N95, N95-2, 6290, 5700, 6120, 6110, i520, i550, i400, i450, i560, G810, N78, N96, 6220. (Symbian 9.2, 9.3) DOWNLOAD-installserver-os92 installserver-3250: For 3250. DOWNLOAD-installserver-3250 installserver-5500: For 5500. DOWNLOAD-installserver-5500 installserver-e50: For E50. DOWNLOAD-installserver-e50 installserver-e61: For E61 or 3250. (If first file wont work only) DOWNLOAD-installserver-e61 installserver-os93-os94: For Symbian 9.3 and 9.4 models. DOWNLOAD-installserver-os93-os94 installserver-Symbian^3: For all Symbian^3, Symbian Anna and Symbian Belle. DOWNLOAD-installserver-Symbian^3
How to flash symbian device using J.A.F with OFW And CFW
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